Need Help?
It's okay. We all do sometimes. We can't help you with everything, but here's what we can do for you.
If you are in need of free clothes, diapers or feeding items for your children, please email us at with the subject line "Mutual Aid."
We will organize donations for you in about 2-3 weeks.
We also have limited capacity to provide services to those that truly need it — things like booking appointments and organizing birthday parties. Please email us if you are in need of that.
Note that you do not have to "qualify" or "explain" anything to us to receive support. Just ask.

Canopy Kids donates 15% of profits to various organizations that focus on anti-oppression. It is one of the main reasons the business exists. To date, we have donated to Black Lives Matter Toronto, Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction, Mikinakoos Children's Fund, Toronto Prisoner's Rights Project and many others.
You do not have to be a registered charity to qualify.
If you are, or you know of, a cool organization that fits the bill — please email us with the subject line "Donation" and we'll take it from there.